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Leslie Cortes

Born and raised in Port Orchard, Leslie Cortes founded Leslie's Tutoring in 2001. The tutors at Leslie's Tutoring have been serving students in Kitsap county for over 10 years.


Leslie and her tutors are certified with the National Tutoring Association and have experience working with a wide variety of students and their particular needs!


Leslie offers academic consulting for students considering alternative learning options such as home schooling, online schooling, Running Start and trade schools.


Leslie writes transcripts and creates High School portfolios for Homeschool High School students.


Leslie is well-versed in education and would love to chat with anyone about their academic needs and what might work best for them specifically. Don't hesitate to give her a call!

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port orchard tutoring, leslies tutoring, tutoring, online tutoring, math tutoring, science tutorig, english tutoring, online tutor, tutoring online, tutoring help

© 2001 Leslie's Tutoring

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(360) 440-3055    4224 Phillips Rd SE, Port Orchard WA 98366 

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